Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ugh Acne and my constant struggle~ review on DuDu Osun soap

So I saw a youtuber beauty guru going on about this soap and decided to try it...
It looks rather strange and doesnt smell that great either. It's also a bar soap which 
puts me off, as I like liquid cleansers!

I have combination skin with cystic acne on my lower chin and occasional pimples on my t zone.

I used this soap once in the morning and once at night, I wear full makeup 4 days out of the week.

Day 1 I used the soap once at night to remove makeup about 2 hours later I noticed my skin was a little peely and dry...
Day 2 Washed face with normal face wash (the body shop tea tree oil foam cleanser) in the morning hydrated with (apothcary rosey cheeks) as my skin was peeling. Wore my makeup for 7 hours while at work once I got home washed it off with dudu osun.
Day 3 Woke up with no new zits Yay!!! Skin Isn't as peely and dry now, decided to wash with the dudu osun soap. I wore no makeup and at the end of the day washed with the dudu osun again.
Day 4 Skin is dry but peeling is minimal. I have two zits but tiny things and on my eyebrow a place I dont break out at all. I washed once in the morning and once at night.
Day 5 holy macarol!!!  I woke up with two cysts on my chin and about a dozen or so random zits on my cheeks! and severe dry skin. continued to wash with the soap morning and night
Day 6 Skin is painfully dry but zits are dried out and going away.( used 100 percent hemp oil face cream as it doesnt make me break out.)
Day 7 The dryness is getting better and no new zits wore makeup.( it was hard to wear makeup as my face was dry in some spots and scabby wear the zits were)
Day 8  Zits are dried out and no new ones
Day 9 Dry skin no new zits
Day 10 Dry around mouth and nose everywhere else is amazing and normal, no new zits
Day 11 Wore makeup for 8 hours and had a zit underneath it when I took it off, washed with the soap and it was dried up and almost gone by the next day.
Day 12 A couple new zits and dryness around mouth
Day 13 Skin is still dry complexion is starting to get better on forehead cheeks and nose
Day 14 Seems like my skin is getting use to the dryness, I only had to use moisturizer on the corners of my mouth. No New zits
Day 15 Skin is even now but dry on corners of mouth, a cyst on my chin has surfaced after two months. I also have two on the side of my jawline that are hard and have not surfaced so hoping the soap will help them.

OK, So I used this stuff for 2 weeks straight, I would purchased again as it did help my acne stay under control. I do feel, I need to use it longer just because my skin did purge(the zitties came to the surface) and with wearing makeup and all. BUTTTT I hate the dryness and you definately need a good moisturizer thats non comedogenic to battle the dryness. At times I couldnt open my mouth, as it was so dry!!! All in all if you have oily skin thats not sensitive this would be a excellent soap to cure acne!

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